Several folks that have seen my Blog have asked me how do I do my podcasts. So here is an attempt to explain how you can Podcast with Camtasia.
But frankly, aren't there a bunch of other software programs that do the same thing? Yes there are, but Camtasia has many advantages. Camtasia works with Internet Explorer, Netscape, and FireFox Browsers. It is extremely flexible, and creates movies in Flash (swf), Quicktime (mov), Apple I-Pod (m4v), and Windows (wmv) formats.
Camtasia works on PC compatible machines, whereas "Garage Band" for Apple works well with Apple machines. Camtasia also allows you to use your PowerPoints, and create Screencasts. So how does all this work?
The easiest way is as follows:
- First, create your PowerPoints.
- Next launch Camtasia, and open your PowerPoint in Camtasia Studio.
- Next you can voice annotate and capture any screen activity in Camtasia. (anything you do on the screen is captured).
- Next save your completed Project.
- Next you can import your sound clips, and drag and drop them at the beginning and at the end of your Presentation.
- Next convert to the appropriate movie format (Ex. Apple I-Pod), by clicking on a button. The Project is converted to a Podcast that can be uploaded to the free Podcasting website.
The Podcasting website creates the appropriate RSS links for your Podcasts.
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