Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Screencasting 101

In order to understand what is Screencasting, we have to first understand Podcasting. So the first question that comes up is " What is podcasting ?" The word Podcasting is derived from "I-pods" and "broadcasting". So a Podcast is essentially a broadcast that can be recieved on your computer (once you subscribe to it). There are essentially three types of Podcasts:

The most basic kind of Podcast is Audio. It is simply an audio file recorded on your computer in mp3 format. The mp3 file is uploaded to a website from which it is available. To make the file where you can subscribe to it, it has to be enclosed in an RSS format.

ScreenCasting is the new hip term for recording movies of your computer desktop as you demonstrate some program. All my Podcasts/Screencasts are hosted on a free site and were created using PCs and Camtasia.

Prof. Bill Teem, has audio podcasts for his English Course at Chattanooga State. Dr. Andrea Sanders has her video podcast on ROCC. CDE - Ray Bertani also has plans on using an Apple Podcasting Server.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really awesome!!! It's better than Podcasting (audio). The cool thing is you are using You Tube for hosting your video/screencast for free. So you do not have to worry about bandwidth on your server, since it comes rom a remote server.